Friday, September 28, 2012

Good Week

This week has been pretty good. I haven't posted for a while because I just started a job on Monday. It's been a little hectic trying to get back on the work schedule. We found out last Friday that Isaac had strep throat. He is over that now, thank goodness. We saw a gastroenterologist last week for Isaac's stomach issues. His glucose levels were checked once again. They were normal, but his A1C levels are rising. No cause for concern yet, but something we are keeping an eye on. He had blood tests for an ulcer, everything normal. He has had a CT scan, everything normal. Now next week he will go in so they can look inside with a scope. Hopefully we will figure out something. Maybe it's just his anxiety and he doesn't realize. But when he feels really bad, he looks pale too. He just doesn't look like he feels well. Oh well, hopefully yhis test will tell us something.

Isaac has been doing great going to school, but we are really struggling trying to get his work caught up from his absences. But, I am so proud of him for doing such a great job just going to school.

Friday, September 21, 2012


This morning did not go so well. Isaac did not want to go to school, but we got him into class. I met with his teachers about a behavioral plan. I am so pleased with this school. We have so much support it is truly unbelievable. We are truly blessed to be where we are.

I start a new job next week, so our mornings will be a little different, but I think it will be O.K.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Tired and Frustrated

We started the day off good. Isaac had an appt. with his psych, and then we went to see the gastroenterologist to find out whats going on with his tummy. We had more blood tests today and have a cat scan scheduled for Tuesday. Hopefully we can find something out.

Isaac was supposed to go back to school after the appts but he didn't want to. He doesn't like going to school late. But on the other hand he doesn't like going to school on time either. He had already missed half the day and I couldn't even get him out of the car at school, so I brought him home, took away his DS, and assigned work for him to do. He didn't like that, so he tried to run away. He got around the corner and down the street and then came back. Now he is telling me that he is home-schooling himself. I really am at a loss of what to do. He is getting to big to force into school everyday. I have a meeting set up tomorrow morning to set up a behavior plan or a 504 or something to help him.

Any suggestions? I need help!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I Hate School!

Yesterday Isaac stayed home because of tummy problems, today it started again just about the time we had to leave the house. This time was different though, he didn't look sick and no throwing up. He just didn't want to go to school. Once I finally got him in the car I was trying to figure out why he hates school. His words, not mine. The answer, like always, was "everything." Everything is hard. I kept trying to find out exactly what is hard. Is it the kids, are they mean?  Is it the work?  Is it the hallways with all the peop

He has a lot of things that are hard, here are a few things that he told me.
     1. The work is too hard.
     2. I don't like sitting down all day.
     3. I don't like the teachers calling on me to answer questions.
     4. There are other things but it is just to hard to explain.

This was his list so far. Well, he is getting straight A's, so I don't think the work is too hard. It must be something else. He said its too hard to concentrate. O.K. maybe I can work with that. Next sitting all day. I tried to give him some options of things we can do throughout the day, like get bathroom breaks, or have the teachers give him things to take to the office, or get up and stretch in the classroom. "No that won't work, nothing will work!" He shouted at me. I also told him I would talk to his teachers about calling on him for now. I know there are so many other things going on. I just don't know how else to help him. He doesn't qualify for Special ED, because of his test scores and grades. I will be talking to his psychologist today to see what else I can do.

Any suggestions on what to do next? Please share your stories with me, and anything that may be helpful.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Here We Go Again

We had to visit the Dr. again today, Isaac felt ill this morning. He felt like he needed to throw up , and did so a few times. We went through this last year, he missed most of the last month of school. It is very difficult to deal with this when you are trying to get yourself to work as well as figure out how to get your son into school. Last year we had many trips to the Dr. Isaac first got a diagnosis of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), then went on to getting tested for diabetes. Of course all this came out negative, but we are still having problems. We are now being sent to a gastroenterologist to find out what is going on with this child. I feel bad for him. When he gets this way he feels like he has to throw up and looks very pale, flu symptoms with the fever and no flu. Poor guy, hope we can get this figured out soon.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Math Problems

Isaac has been struggling in math this year. Usually he is straight A student, but this year his math grade is lower than normal. He says it's easy, and the tests are easy, but when he receives the grade for his work it is much lower than he expected. I have a meeting set up with his teacher next week to discuss this. Isaac is so black and white, and as he is getting older things have more of a gray area that he does not understand. This is too bad because he is such a smart kid and learns quickly. Hopefully after talking with his teacher she will be able to help him out more.

On another note, Michael told me this morning that he sees colored circles. So, I now have an appt with an ophthalmologist. But of course they don't have any appts till December. Oh well, hopefully he just needs glasses to correct this. Has anyone ever heard of this before?

Monday, September 10, 2012

Rough Day

Both kiddos had a rough day today. I guess Isaac's ADHD meds made everything worse. He said it was harder than normal to understand his teachers today, and the medication is not working because he is more distracted now. I don't know what to do, I thought it was working well this morning.

Poor Michael has a cross bite and an under bite. We visited the orthodontist today to have his appliance checked. Now he also has to wear headgear at night, and has a big chunk of glue on his molars so that we can start fixing his under bite. Poor Baby!

What are your experiences with ADHD meds? Isaac is on 20mg of Focalin right now, but guessing after today this will be changing.

Super Nerd

The kids took a test online, "What Kind of Nerd Are You?" Both kids came out with super nerd. At the end it describes what a super nerd is. It said you are a nerd and you are not afraid to show it. Isaac says, very seriously, "I'm not afraid to show that I'm a nerd, and people don't even make fun of me." I told him even if someone does make fun of him, just tell them that when you get older you will be their boss.  He says, "So, being a nerd is good?"  Love it!

 Isaac started back on his ADD meds this morning, and I could tell. He was talking without meltdowns, and was remembering things he needed for school without me reminding him. But now it looks like we have a pharmacy in our house. Poor kid has a lot of medication to take now.

Also on another good note, we were almost to Isaac"s school this morning and he said, "Why is 7th grade perfect?" I told him that God always has a plan, and his plan was for us to move here." For those of you that don't know us, we moved this summer to a different city so that we could get better help for Isaac. It was a very tough decision because we loved where we were. But God brought us here and already I can see why. Thank you Father God for everything you have given us.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28

Please share any stories you have where God has worked in your life.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Need More Sleep

I think kiddos needed more sleep last night. First, this morning Michael threw a fit because I gave him the wrong cup for his milk. It was the same cup he has had other days, and it was clean, but he threw a fit and dumped all his milk down the drain. WOW! Then later in the afternoon Isaac threw a fit because the computer wouldn't turn on properly. Hopefully this evening goes better. We are planning a popcorn and movie night.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

2nd Week of School

I was very concerned about how this second week of school was going to play out. We were making so much progress by the end of the first week, and then we had to have a three day weekend. Well, turns out Isaac must love this school because Tuesday came and I only had to walk him into the office and then he went the rest of the way to his class. The even more shocking thing is that it was his decision, he told me what he was going to do. Wednesday and Thursday went even better. I didn't even have to get out of the car. I drove up and dropped him off just like all the other parents. WOW!!! He has never, ever, ever, got this comfortable with a new school, so quickly, and he's had to switch schools a few times. This has been so nice. Last year I fought with Isaac to go to school almost the entire year. He missed most of his last 3 weeks of school because of stomachaches and throwing up every morning. Now if I can just get him off his video games and all electronics at home long enough to just listen to what I say to him.

I've been talking so much about Isaac, which there is so much to talk about, but now a little about my 7 year old Michael. He is not as difficult as Isaac, but he is also definitely a challenge. Michael was diagnosed with ADHD and OCD. Michael's OCD is shown by a slight germ phobia(he won't even let Isaac pour his milk because he may touch the milk and get his germs in it), and the most difficult part is he HAS TO HAVE his clothing super tight. I really don't know how he breaths. I have to retie his shoes constantly because they are never tight enough. He will only wear a certain pair of socks that they don't sell anymore in the stores, and he pulls these socks up all the way up to his knees. He looks kinda silly when he wears shorts. According to him he has said in the past that he feels if his socks fall down the house will burn down. Classic OCD!  The only pants he will wear are Wranglers, and they have to be pretty much painted on, which is very hard to get because he has such long legs, the waist never fits him right with the length. His clothing issues have gotten slightly better since he was put on anxiety meds, but some days are worse than others. This summer we started him on ADHD meds, which are helping him in school a lot. We just found out yesterday that he is the highest reader in his class. He tested at the 3rd grade level, and in math he tested at the 2nd grade level 9th month, WOW! So proud of him.

Both my kiddos are so so smart. Both will be tested to get in the GT program this year. But I worry about Isaac more as he is getting older. Isaac just does not understand things as easy as the other kids do. Just the other day, he was throwing one of his fits at home because he didn't understand what to do with his math homework. Surprisingly he let me help him, normally the paper get crumbled and thrown on the floor or torn up. He told me he didn't listen to the instructions in class. Hey, at least he was honest. He said, "My brain tells me not to listen, it argues with me about listening." Oh, the things he says sometimes. I guess I will be talking to the DR. about putting him back on his ADD meds. When he was younger he couldn't pay attention in class because he couldn't get Pokemon out of his head. His psychologist at the time told him that in school he needed to pretend he had a remote and switch channels in his brain. Sounds great, but is not gonna work with Isaac, and it didn't. We got over that, and then he started counting in his head when he was supposed to be listening to the teacher. That was in third grade. Can we say OCD! Yep both kids are a little obsessive! Since Isaac really doesn't know how to explain things to me, he could be doing this again rather than just not listening, I'm not sure. He is not an easy read.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

7th Grade First Week

So, the first day of school started off pretty rough, but ended up great. I talked to Isaac's first period teacher, and she is letting Isaac come into her classroom before school starts so that he doesn't have to go to the cafeteria with the rest of the school. Hopefully, this will help.

The second day of school surprisingly went well. I walked Isaac down to his first class and he went in, no problems. Whew!!! This is how the rest of the week went. Tuesday and Wednesday I walked him all the way to his classroom, and then I had to develop a plan to work me out of the picture so that I could just drop him off, and not go in with him. On Wednesday Isaac got his locker, so Thursday was his first day going to his locker before going into class. Isaac agreed to me walking him to his locker instead of his classroom. So, I walked with Isaac to his locker and then we said our goodbyes there. Friday was even better, I only had to walk him to the start of his hallway. But now we are doing so good, but we have a three day weekend. Hopefully, come next Tuesday we will continue to move forward. But, I'm not very hopeful. I know how this plays out.

Day 1 7th Grade Cont.

We are now at Isaac's school, and he refuses to get out of the car. Luckily he sees the campus police standing at the entrance of the school.  With a lot of coercing Isaac is out of the car. Here we go walking arm in arm up to the school. Once we get inside he starts to freeze up, the only way he is continuing to walk is because I am pulling him along. All of the teacher and staff are so friendly. They are all greeting us and trying their hardest to get Isaac to talk to them and go with them so that I can leave. If only the vice principal would've listened better at the meetings.

We had a few different meetings before school started to try and prevent this. I just needed someone to stay with Isaac and a room for him to go to in the morning. The quicker I can leave the school the better off he is. Why don't these people understand what I tell them. Now we are standing in the hallways waiting for the students to be dismissed to their classes, just standing, frozen. Finally, the staff is done handing out schedules and the students are dismissed to their classes.

We walk to the office in hopes that the counselor or someone can help take Isaac so that I do not have to walk down the hallway with him to his class. Still no help. The vice principal tries to talk Isaac into walking with him to the class and letting me leave. Yeah right, I guess he didn't listen to me during the meetings. Here we go walking down to Isaac's first class, Pre-Ap math.

What a long walk it is, all the way at the end of the hall. Why does this have to be such a fight? I tell the VP, " if you can just keep him in this empty classroom so that I can leave it will be better." So, he goes to Isaac's class and pulls out a student and introduces him to Isaac thinking that this will help get Isaac into class. Funny! Just as I knew,  this didn't work. VP gets a call and he leaves, guess his meeting is more important. Luckily a different teacher of Isaac's comes in and was helping get him in the room. Lots of talking, pushing, pulling, and trying to convince him to get inside.  After all this, the only thing that gets Isaac inside is telling him that I will stay with him all day. His English teacher took him in the class and sat with him at the back of the room while I went to talk to the VP to make sure it was O.K. Unfortunately this was a convincing story that I told him. I wish it was true, but it worked. He went in his classroom and I left crying, and feeling horrible about the story I just told.

I go home, drink lots of coffee, and wonder how he's doing. The counselor calls me a few hours later to tell me me he is doing great. He is switching classes with a smile on his face. Whew, I feel much better.
Isaac had a wonderful first day of school. He loves his teachers, his classes, and the school. Thank God!!! What a day!

Day 1 7th Grade

I'm getting ready to wake up the kids, and I think, "Here we go!" I first wake up Michael, my  7 year old, and then I wake up Isaac, my 12 year old.  Surprisingly both kids are excited and ready to get the day started. Now it's time for breakfast, and here it is, "I'm not going to school," Isaac shouts! This is what I've been waiting for.  "Lets make it through breakfast first," I tell him. "Well I'm not going to school," He shouts back. Hoping this works, I tell him, "I'm not telling you to go to school right now, I'm telling you to come eat breakfast." Oh my goodness it worked, he is actually coming to eat breakfast with no fit, for now.  The rest of breakfast goes well, and both kids actually get dressed on time. Could this be, are we actually going to make it through the morning with no fits, no running away, no arguing? Maybe in your dreams Mom, not today though. Everything is going good until it's time to leave the house.

Michael is heading out to the car while Isaac is in the house refusing to put on his shirt, refusing to pick up his back pack, refusing to get in the car,  and refusing to go to school. I try everything, more time on his DS after school, staying up later that night, going to get a shake after school, nothing works!!! What am I going to do? I finally get him in the car by pulling him to his feet and pushing him to the car, not easy, he's getting as big as me. Just as I shut his door to the car and turn my back he's gone back into the house, into his bedroom, and locking the door. I didn't even realize he had a lock on his bedroom door. Great!  Well nice mommy isn't working right now! So, now I have to try the threats. Well, this time mean mommy works. He comes out of his room and gets in the car. Thank goodness, made it this far.

First we drop Michael off at his new school, first day of second grade. Of course he does not want me to walk him into the school. I pull up to the school and he jumps out and runs inside. I hope he is able to control himself today. This is his first school year on his ADHD meds. Hopefully this works! Now off to see what Isaac has in store for me.

Check back later and I'll let you in on the fun we had at Isaac's school.