Monday, September 10, 2012

Super Nerd

The kids took a test online, "What Kind of Nerd Are You?" Both kids came out with super nerd. At the end it describes what a super nerd is. It said you are a nerd and you are not afraid to show it. Isaac says, very seriously, "I'm not afraid to show that I'm a nerd, and people don't even make fun of me." I told him even if someone does make fun of him, just tell them that when you get older you will be their boss.  He says, "So, being a nerd is good?"  Love it!

 Isaac started back on his ADD meds this morning, and I could tell. He was talking without meltdowns, and was remembering things he needed for school without me reminding him. But now it looks like we have a pharmacy in our house. Poor kid has a lot of medication to take now.

Also on another good note, we were almost to Isaac"s school this morning and he said, "Why is 7th grade perfect?" I told him that God always has a plan, and his plan was for us to move here." For those of you that don't know us, we moved this summer to a different city so that we could get better help for Isaac. It was a very tough decision because we loved where we were. But God brought us here and already I can see why. Thank you Father God for everything you have given us.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose."  Romans 8:28

Please share any stories you have where God has worked in your life.

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