Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 1 7th Grade

I'm getting ready to wake up the kids, and I think, "Here we go!" I first wake up Michael, my  7 year old, and then I wake up Isaac, my 12 year old.  Surprisingly both kids are excited and ready to get the day started. Now it's time for breakfast, and here it is, "I'm not going to school," Isaac shouts! This is what I've been waiting for.  "Lets make it through breakfast first," I tell him. "Well I'm not going to school," He shouts back. Hoping this works, I tell him, "I'm not telling you to go to school right now, I'm telling you to come eat breakfast." Oh my goodness it worked, he is actually coming to eat breakfast with no fit, for now.  The rest of breakfast goes well, and both kids actually get dressed on time. Could this be, are we actually going to make it through the morning with no fits, no running away, no arguing? Maybe in your dreams Mom, not today though. Everything is going good until it's time to leave the house.

Michael is heading out to the car while Isaac is in the house refusing to put on his shirt, refusing to pick up his back pack, refusing to get in the car,  and refusing to go to school. I try everything, more time on his DS after school, staying up later that night, going to get a shake after school, nothing works!!! What am I going to do? I finally get him in the car by pulling him to his feet and pushing him to the car, not easy, he's getting as big as me. Just as I shut his door to the car and turn my back he's gone back into the house, into his bedroom, and locking the door. I didn't even realize he had a lock on his bedroom door. Great!  Well nice mommy isn't working right now! So, now I have to try the threats. Well, this time mean mommy works. He comes out of his room and gets in the car. Thank goodness, made it this far.

First we drop Michael off at his new school, first day of second grade. Of course he does not want me to walk him into the school. I pull up to the school and he jumps out and runs inside. I hope he is able to control himself today. This is his first school year on his ADHD meds. Hopefully this works! Now off to see what Isaac has in store for me.

Check back later and I'll let you in on the fun we had at Isaac's school.

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